SoulCollage® Materials & Resources
To prepare for your SoulCollage® workshop, the following items are necessary:
Lots of images. At the least, having 2 or 3 magazines on hand is great!
Three to five 5 x 8 or 5 x 7 mat board or pieces of thick cardstock paper.
A self-healing cutting mat so your table/surface won’t get damaged when cutting images.
An x-acto knife - I love mine!
A regular pair of normal size scissors and a pair of smaller scissors, which can be very useful.
Several glue sticks or liquid glue.
A writing utensil and a notebook and/or journal - I love sketch artists’ notebooks when I write, but you absolutely do you!
Anything that will make you feel cozy and creative!
The most important items to bring are your curiosity and openness to the messages of your Soul.