ICF Certified Coaching

“What is coaching and how is it different from therapy?”

A therapist will help you deal with the issues, situations, and circumstances of your past. They will help you to sort out what happened and possible reasons why.

A coach will ask, “What is it that you want for your life now? What are the ways that you want your life to move forward? How do you want to imagine your best self and future?”

How can I assist you in creating your beautiful vision?

Discover aspects of yourself that you may not have fully understood or even been aware of. You may have had messages from the universe that tapped you on the shoulder. There may have been moments where your gut started speaking in different sensations to get your attention but because of past conditioning, habits or current circumstances, you may have overlooked its importance or significance to allow the messages to really come through.

In our time together, there is an invitation and opportunity to touch into the aspects that desire acknowledgment and expression of what is possible. You can begin to own it and see yourself as a creative being with full power to consciously be a creator of your own life.

You have the ability to make changes that inspire and motivate you to what you never thought was possible. Take the journey of transformation by stepping forward to share your beautiful, authentic self.


Schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

  1. Begin by selecting a day.

  2. Select a time.

  3. Answer a few questions.

  4. That’s it!

    *If there are no times available on the calendar, please reach out HERE.*

Generous Listening

By Marilyn Nelson

A conversation can be a contest,
or a game of catch with invisible balloons.
They bounce between us, growing and shrinking,
sometimes floating like cloud medicine balls,
and sometimes bowling at us like round anvils.
You toss a phrase and understanding blooms
like an anemone of colored lights. My mind fireworks with unasked questions.
Who is this miracle speaking to me?
And who is this miracle listening?
What amazingness are we creating?
Out of gray matter a star spark of thought
leaps between synapses into the air,
and pours through gray matter, into my heart:
how can I not listen generously?

“I don't want someone to believe my lies, I need someone to accept my truths.”
― Kellie Elmore