About Me

Greetings! It’s good to meet you!

My name is Erica Bridgeman and I’ve always been fascinated by the intricacies of personal and collective development. From a young age, I found myself drawn to the exploration and understanding of the human mind, consciousness, spirit, and soul. The desire to help people improve their lives and their relationships by tapping into their resilience and inherent creativity never left me, even as I pursued a career as a radio producer and announcer at a nonprofit community station for 19+ years.

Throughout that time, I dedicated myself to the craft of radio, using it as a platform to connect with my community and bring forth meaningful stories. It was a fulfilling journey, as I had the privilege of amplifying voices that often went unheard. I even produced the limited run podcast,“Living Healthy Despite Chronic Conditions that spotlit people who were overcoming significant health challenges by engaging in creative ventures as a direct result of their health condition.

But deep down, another voice was calling me, an inner prompting to delve deeper into the realm of personal growth, spirituality, and empowerment.

As heartbreaking and devastating as the pandemic was, nonetheless as fate would have it, the universe presented me with an extraordinary opportunity. I discovered a further path to my true calling(s) by becoming a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as well as a certified Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness coach and an official SoulCollage® Facilitator. It was as if all the pieces of my life puzzle were finally coming together. I immersed myself in intensive training, acquiring the skills to guide individuals in unlocking their full potential. I embraced a holistic approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit in the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment. Finally, I felt that I possessed the necessary tools and knowledge to transform my passion into a purposeful profession.

In 2022, I founded my own coaching business, Creating Is Life Coaching. This name embodies my core philosophy—a testament to the inherent creativity that resides within every individual. I firmly believe that through intentional exploration, self-discovery, and a nurturing environment, anyone can tap into their innate ability to create a life filled with purpose, joy, and authenticity. Additionally, I also strongly believe that one can find tenacity and vitality through cultivating resilience to step through the fires of challenging experiences instead of bypassing and denying what is actually happening.

I approach each coaching session with empathy, compassion, and unwavering support, creating a safe space for my clients to explore their dreams, fears, and aspirations. Together, we unravel the layers that hold them back, challenging limiting beliefs, and igniting their dynamism. I feel honored to have witnessed incredible breakthroughs, as my clients rediscover their strengths, harness their creativity, and embark on a path of self-actualization.

In 2023, I returned to graduate school - twelve years after receiving a Masters of Arts in Communications - to obtain a certification in eLearning Design from California State University, East Bay. Thus the path I’ve walked, although at times uncertain, has guided me towards a purpose that truly aligns with my deepest values. Each day presents a new opportunity to guide individuals towards unlocking their full potential, to empower them to create the life they truly desire, and to be a catalyst for positive change in the world—one person, one Soul at a time.

Ultimately, whether as a media maker, coach or an Instructional Designer, I support individuals and organizations by creating experiences for learning and development, where expansion takes place beyond perceived realities for new seeds take root and grow. Whether in the group/team/collective or within the one-on-one container, finding clarity of purpose and meaning with the confidence of right action lays the groundwork for remote possibilities to shift into assured probabilities. Within these spaces, all comes alive.

Here’s to you, me, us!

To learn more about my professional life up until now, please visit my LinkedIn page.








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  1. Begin by selecting a day.

  2. Select a time.

  3. Answer a few questions.

  4. That’s it!

Erica brings a clear, steady, reliable presence to her clients. I would describe her as "the goat" and her unwavering spirit held the direction I set for myself when I was not able to do so for myself. When I started working with her, I observed a decrease in feelings of aloneness, overwhelm and shame previously felt when attempting to transform the same familiar pattern. 

Erica worked with me with compassion, grace, and grit, while she accompanied me to focus on my desired goals. She guided me to reconnect to myself and to the vision I held for my life in moments when I felt stuck and wanted to give up on my process. Erica has incredible tenacity to stay the course. I experienced that her creative resilience became wind under my failing wings until I could reconnect to my creative resilience and spread my wings again. She guided me through my own internal resistance, and as a result I did not abandon my process. 

Working with Erica empowered me to remove barriers impacting my ability to live with full creativity and power in my world. I am eternally grateful to Erica's guidance.

- Nancy K.


Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up.

- Isabelle Laflechee

What do you really want and how may I support you?

Paper & Scissors: An Unintended Creative Journey:

In this short video that was created through a Story Center workshop, I explored my own heroine’s journey back to my creative self.