Positive Intelligence App2

Positive Intelligence® For Mental Fitness

Positive Intelligence® App &
6-Week Program for Mental Fitness

Alter your negative reactions to life with the Positive Intelligence® app and the 6-week program for mental fitness. Become aware of unconscious patterns of thought personified as Saboteurs who are your best friend one minute and your worst enemy the next. Learn how to fully recognize when they make an appearance and how to switch to honoring your inner Sage who has your best interest at heart and always stands ready to work in your favor if only you actively participate in activating your Sage powers.


Over 6-weeks, you will learn how to use:


  • The Self-Command Muscle

  • The Saboteur Interceptor Muscle

  • And, The Sage Muscle


By treating root cause issues, instead of focusing on the symptoms in your life, you give yourself a golden key that swiftly unlocks doors to innovative and magical solutions that work.


But, like physically working out, it’s through daily practice that your mental muscles get strong. By becoming conscious of your daily mental habits – your thoughts (of which you have an estimated 6,000 every day!!!) - you are empowered to make conscious choices that lead to where you really want to go in all areas of life.


Through 15 minutes a day of app-guided practice, weekly hour-long videos that go in depth on each week’s focus as well as the opportunity to participate in an accountability pod and a global community that is supportive and encouraging, you’ll be assured that you are doing your part in bringing out your inner Sage.


Within the Positive Intelligence® app for mental fitness, you have instant feedback on the progress you are making on an easy and accessible platform for ongoing mental growth that is research-based and has measurable results.

Discover the Saboteurs that are undermining your best efforts by taking the free Saboteur Assessment Quiz here.

Get 3 complementary hours of personalized coaching when you sign up for the 6-Week app-based program.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

  1. Begin by selecting a day.

  2. Select a time.

  3. Answer a few questions.

  4. That’s it!

All stress is Saboteur generated.

- Shirzad Chamine, Founder and CEO of Positive Intelligence, Inc.