An unexpected encounter



After a pretty intense first week of August that was highlighted by the Super Full Moon in Aquarius (the sign known for the maverick, scientific thinking and technology as well as the humanitarian), I found myself overtaken by loads of computer work that included preparing and scheduling Meetups, watching informative videos on budgeting and proper financial habits as well as every-growing emails and Zoom calls. By Friday morning, my Spirit and Soul cried for a time out.

Upon waking, a strong urge to take a walk after getting dressed overtook my senses and demanded that I take heed. I humbly acquiesced, opened the front door and crossed the mundane portal from inside my home to a super lit outside. Right away, I felt immense relief surge through my body as I step into the bright light and warmth of a new day and headed towards Alvarado/Wildcat Canyon Regional Park that is a five-minute walk from where I live.

Upon entering the area, I noticed a group of children sitting on the grass, huddled around an adult who, ostensibly, was giving some sort of lesson while three girls joyfully chased each other in circles, shouting “You’re It!” before crashing to the ground in a mound of laughter. I walked on, passing a woman sitting on bench, bending over to give her small black and white dog a treat and a loving stoke on the head and neck. The dog shook its little body and hopped around as I noticed that it had no back legs. I smiled at the woman, appreciative of her and the love that she had for her small fur baby.

Rounding the corner of the well-worn path that I regularly take into the heart of the park, I breathed deeply, basking in the nourishing and replenishing environment, surrounded by eucalyptus, oak, Monterey pines and redwood trees, the vegetation slowly turning from lush green to dead dry brown while robins, blue jays, mourning doves and many other bird species flickered here and there in search of food and companionship. As I made my way, I noticed makeshift fencing around a grove of trees. Not having seen it before, I wondered why it was there, annoyed that some official would demarcate a limitation on my desire for natural freedom. Suddenly something flickered from the corner of my eye and when I turned a mass of plump little bodies with slender legs, heads adorned with various colored horns peeked out through low hanging tree branches. “Oh my gosh, there’s goats!”, I exclaimed out loud not caring that I was the only person present and excitedly yet slowly moved in their direction.

Goats on the munch.

As the world is now fully in the throws of global warming and the reality of intense wildfires destroying untold acres of land, here in the SF/Bay Area, Angora and Spanish goats are increasingly being called upon as front-line wildfire prevention ambassadors. In an article written in 2021 for the digital newspaper, Oaklandside, the city of Oakland and East Bay Regional Park District fire departments mange hundreds of goats that are sent out between March and August (the month that signals the “dog days of summer”) across an 800-acre region to nibble and munch their way through highly flammable dry grass and debris that can quickly spread a wildfire. Goats, along with cows and sheep, have helped maintain the safety of the surrounding communities for more than 50 years and I am definitely here for it! Natural solutions to potentially costly synthetic or chemical ones should always be the first consideration. Nature truly knows best! Why is this questioned?

Though goats have been domesticated animals for millennia and can be seen in both urban and rural areas, still, I was filled with immense joy and wonder when I came upon them, so up close and personal, during my spontaneous morning walk. Giving in to the temptation to snap bunches of pictures, I whipped out my camera to capture the moment as my new goat friends continued to contentedly eat the abundant supply. Amazingly, several photos had a metaphysical presence to them as if the forest fairies and mystical creatures that (I believe) inhabit the land wanted their picture taken as well.  

We are not alone.

The unexpected encounter at the end of a draining week was a lesson for me of the importance of detaching from the grind and hustle; to log off, close the laptop and allow inner Spirit and Soul to lead me where it will. Though it’s increasingly hard to remember and actually take such action, the signal is clear and consistent – acknowledge and listen to the inner call. For when one does, magic sprouts and gifts you with delicious, out of the blue encounters. So, to that end, I also encourage you to take time to tune into your body, inner world and spirit. There are quiet yet important messages wanting to be heard that are balms for weary, depleted spirits in a world on non-stop hyper-drive.

And, if you also feel called to be in creative community, I invite you to check out my upcoming workshop called, “Dive Into Your Supplies: A SoulCollage® Card-Making Session”, on Saturday, August 19th from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm PDT. Click here for more information.

May you fully enjoy these dog (and goat) days of summer!


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